Event Registration

Collaboration Skills Course



Date: 10:00am 17/03/2023
Location: Christchurch

17/3/2023 10am- 6pm

18/3/2023 9am-5pm

19/3/2023 9am-5pm

If you live in and around Christchurch and are interested in developing community projects of all kinds, we are excited to offer our Collab Skills Course in Canterbury for the first time. This is a great opportunity to attend this unique and transformative course.


$295 with $40 deposit to hold a place. This event is limited to 16 participants. The venue is in the city area of Christchurch (NB: now at Oxford). For registrations and inquiries, email info@thebighouseproject.nz

Note that for the Nelson and Christchurch events we are offering a reduced price to those willing to help us promote the event. If interested please contact us for details sooner rather than later.


collage collage


Whangarei, NZ
E- info@thebighouseprojectblablabla.nz
T- 021 0243 9081

© The Big House Project 2024

Photos: Pixabay, and The Zegg Ecovillage, used with permission. Line drawings: Shutterstock used with permission. Your email address will be used with care for the sole purpose of The Big House outreach.