Event Registration

Collaboration Skills Course



Date: 09:00am 25/11/2022
Location: Central Hawkes Bay

Nov 25th 9am - 5pm

Nov 26th 9am - 5pm

Nov 27th 9am - 5pm

If you live further down the country, here is your chance to attend this community transforming course. This workshop is hosted by a group in Hawkes Bay.

This interactive workshop is a crash course in group skills, suited to people working on building community. Few of us were taught what is involved in working together in groups, about collaboration and about creating and sustaining community. The course is open to anyone to attend. The course comprises six 3 hour modules, over three days, as follows:

1. Personal development - We need to address the barriers to collaboration and social engagement. And it turns out community is the most effective platform to do it. Social brain anatomy, emotions, triggers, core beliefs & protection systems, and a powerful new model to understand our corridor of well-being.

2. The art of dialogue - How to have connecting conversations. How does real dialogue work. Great conversations have the power to change the world.

3. Conflict resolution - How to use conflict to improve relationships. The nature of conflict, Non Violent Communication, our need for safety and belonging, tools for managing our personal and group state.

4. Decision making - How to make decisions that everyone can enjoy. What do we need before we can decide, decision making methods, including consensus, coloured cards, sociocracy, and innovations like the advice process.

5. Facilitation - How to plan and conduct a productive meeting. Why facilitate, what a facilitator is and isn't. Understanding the meeting process, participation formats, strategies & skills.

6. Connection - How to achieve deeper more satisfying connections in relationships. Why connect, what's in the way, how to really connect, and bonding (connection that lasts). Offsetting the challenges of group work, getting to the joy and celebration.


The venue is near Dannevirke/Norsewood.

The cost is $250 per person

Free accommodation possible.

Please contact James and Cecilia via text on 0211 677 894

collage collage


Whangarei, NZ
E- info@thebighouseprojectblablabla.nz
T- 021 0243 9081

© The Big House Project 2024

Photos: Pixabay, and The Zegg Ecovillage, used with permission. Line drawings: Shutterstock used with permission. Your email address will be used with care for the sole purpose of The Big House outreach.