The Big House Project

A New Vision for Housing Ourselves

We are a forming housing cooperative, based in NZ, that believes not just in more accessible housing, but also in the power of conscious relating to change the world. We see this residential project as a experiential, immersive social laboratory. Our hypothesis is that learning to live and work together has huge untapped potential to achieve personal, social and planetary regeneration and transformation. And to create more nurturing places for us to live and support each other as we grow, heal and learn.

The Art of Collaboration

Our mission is to prototype, practice and share state of the art ways of working, living and being together. We explore what it takes to relate in a conscious, whole-hearted, socially engaged way. We draw on both science and the healing arts to offer a package of modern social technology to help create a fun, growthful, and supportive home. Along the way we discover contentment, safety, and well-being.

Many of us aspire to live in community, and, it is easy to underestimate the social, emotional and relational capacity required to make that work. This project is founded from the bottom up, with the intention to build that capacity as core part of participation in the cooperative. It is our view that changing the world involves changing ourselves. As we connect, we heal, and we adopt a paradigm shift away from rugged individualism. Our path forward as a species lies together. So, we feel called to create places where people interested in this work can come together. The big house is a vehicle for a radically new kind of dialogue.

A Creative Solution to the Housing Crisis

The Big House is a metaphor for our beautiful big blue planet. It is the home that humanity must learn to share. The central part of our mission is also to explore the potential of housing cooperatives. While they are common overseas, they are rare to non-existent here in NZ. Our retrofit model has huge potential for the rapid development of affordable, innovative learning communities.

Won't you come join us?

collage collage


Whangarei, NZ
T- 021 0243 9081

© The Big House Project 2024

Photos: Pixabay, and The Zegg Ecovillage, used with permission. Line drawings: Shutterstock used with permission. Your email address will be used with care for the sole purpose of The Big House outreach.